THURSDAY, December 6 from noon to 1:30 Eastern Time Recycle Right to Meet Industry Challenges Register now!
Florida has made great strides in increasing its recycling rates but shrinking global markets for recycling materials and increased “contamination” or non-recyclables in the stream are presenting daunting challenges for the industry. Join Karen Moore, Recycling Manager for the Florida Department of Environmental Protection; Dawn McCormick, Chair of the Florida Recycling Partnership and Waste Management Director of Communications; and and Travis S. Barnes, MPA, LEED AP, the Recycling Coordinator for Hillsborough County, as they discuss these challenges and cost implications for Florida’s counties, cities and businesses.
This event has been approved for 1.5 AICP CM for planners (#9162164), 1 CEC for Certified Floodplain Managers and .15 CEUs for Florida Environmental Health Professionals. 1000 Friends has applied for professional certification credits for Florida attorneys and Florida DBPR Landscape Architecture but cannot guarantee credits will be approved.